Affiliate Disclosure​

At HostingCrush, we help bloggers, business owners, and smart readers like you make better decisions in selecting web hosts that best suit your requirements.

We may include affiliate links on this website where we recommend web hosting services and website building sites. If you sign up through one of our affiliate links, we may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. The entire commission comes out of the vendor’s pocket, not yours.

As we believe in quality products and services that we can personally use or recommend, we are committed to writing authentic and unbiased reviews. We would never falsely represent a service just to receive an affiliate commission. As such, we do not mention, or recommend, many hyped web hosting brands because they fail to meet our quality standards.

We are grateful to you for purchasing your hosting related services / products through the links on our site.

The HostingCrush Team ❤

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